
Friday, March 16, 2012

Adobo Rice

As promised here is a new food post, after a long absence.

I have not perfected my adobo cooking skills, however I proud to say I make very good adobo rice = )

When I was young, whenever my Lola Ying made adobo she would make this too. After she took out the cooked adobo from the pan she would stir-fry some day old rice in the same pan.  This way she would get every morsel of adobo from the pan, absolutely nothing is wasted.  The result was a wonderfully delicious rice dish a perfect match for her yummy pork adobo.  In fact I was more excited eating the adobo rice than the adobo itself. In Lola's version she did not have to add anything else except the rice, since her adobo was perfect.  In my version I need to add some minced garlic, salt and a little sugar to make it flavorful.  It does not taste like that of Lola's but I and the Little Ones like it very much.  

Now if only I could finally perfect my adobo dish, so that I can make Lola Ying truly proud. 


  1. adobo is one of my favorite dish, i always cook this every week. hehe! iba-iba lang ng main ingredient. i only cook adobo rice if we have leftover. =)

  2. I love flavored rice -- bagoong rice, chorizo rice, garlic rice, as well as adobo rice! :D The next time my mom cooks adobo, I'll ask her to save the sauce (in pan) so we can make our own adobo rice too :D

  3. Now this I haven't tried.... looks really inviting! how do you cook it? leftover adobo and steamed rice together? or like the way we cook sinangag using seasoning for adobo?

  4. everyone has a different style in making adobo. But it's undeniably one of the best comfort food in the planet. Your adobo rice looks delish.

  5. Michi, it is the same in home we usually have adobo once a week, the Little Ones absolutely love adobo flakes and adobo rice.

  6. Julie, yes I agree adobo is Filipino comfort food at its best.

    Sumi, you really should have your Mom try making this next time she makes adobo.

  7. Kero, in the pan where we cooked the adobo in, we stir-fry the day old steamed rice, then we add some minced adobo meat. You should try doing this the next time you make adobo =)

  8. wow! i wanna try this one too. :P
    I love flavored rice! :P

  9. oh, yes i absolutely loved this. the hubby would get even newly cook rice and just mashed the rice around the pan, and that's it, sb nia...instant kanin at ulam :)

    leftover adobo is perfect for pandesal :)

  10. Dianne, definitely try making this, I guarantee it will be yummy.

    Imriz, we too have done this using newly cooked rice whenever we don't have day old rice, the Little Ones absolutely insist that we made adobo rice whenever we cook pork adobo.

  11. I wanna try this adobo rice. We always have some day old rice and nakakasawa na ung laging sinangag lang. This time i'll make it flavored naman.

  12. now ur making me want to eat rice! i did not eat rice for 3 days now waaaa this looks really yummy sis! :D

  13. Love adobo! Have you tried using balsamic vinegar for it? And adding Worcestershire sauce? It's divine.

  14. That looks so yummy! Wanna try it. Hope you can post the recipe soon!

  15. Martine, next time I'll try to use balsamic vinegar, which I absolutely love. But since the taste is stronger than cane vinegar should I reduce the portion, would appreciate your tip on this. Thanks =)

  16. Hi Rubz, doing this dish is quite simple. Next time you make your pork adobo, just take it out from the pan then just stir-fry some day old rice and then add some chopped adobo pieces, mix everything together. If you like you can season it with more salt and pepper according to your taste.

  17. I absolutely love adobo rice and make a mean one too! :P

    I make good adobo but not quite as awesome as my grandma's yet, but I know I will get there someday soon.. :D

  18. I live in Toronto, Canada, so I am missing adobo rice! My last visit to Manila in 2009 made me an adobo rice addict! I miss it sooooo much!

  19. I love adobo, more so if this is 1-day old and added to the rice! I can eat non-stop. This is one of my fave Pinoy dishes!
