
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Improved Tonkatsu

I have been very busy with work that I had to work through the weekend leaving me no time to cook nor blog.    My last and only post for this month was on the first day of April.  I missed being in the kitchen so much that I made sure that I managed my work load this week so that on the weekend I can spend some time cooking.  So glad and satisfied that I finally did :) 

I was planning on trying out a new recipe but there was a request from the family that I make an old favorite that I have not done in a while.  I decided to give in to the request and made everyone's favorite Tonkatsu.  So happy that I did,  because everyone kept complementing me about how delicious it was.   Seeing everyone's happy and satisfied faces made me remember how much you can touch people with your cooking.  I know I will never be an expert like a Chef but I will do my best to become a very good Cook, whose dishes hopefully will bring smiles to those I share them with. 

Since my last post about this dish I have made some changes to the preparation that have resulted in a better tasting and tender dish. I would like to share with you my improved recipe for Tonkatsu.  You will need the following:

4 pieces of butterfly cut pork
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup flour
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
vegetable oil for deep frying
meat tenderizer

1. The night before flatten the pork pieces.  Season with salt and pepper.  Then add some  meat tenderizer, I just eyeball it.  Place in the fridge overnight.  By seasoning the pork pieces overnight your meat will be more flavorful.
2. The next  day individually dredge the pork in flour, then dip in egg, then coat and pat with panko bread crumbs.
3. Place enough oil in a pan for deep frying.  Just make sure that you control the heat you do not want to oil to be too hot that it burns the bread crumbs quickly.  Deep-fry on both sides  until golden brown, then drain on paper towels.
4. Let it stand for about 5 minutes, then cut tonkatsu into pieces.   Serve with shredded cabbage and tonkatsu sauce.

Recipe for tonkatsu sauce:
1 cup ketchup
1/2 cup worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup mirin
1 tablespoon sugar

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.  This will make about 3 cups of sauce, refrigerate the extra sauce, this will keep for about a week.


  1. I always buy the tonkatsu sauce with a bulldog logo, will try yours. :)

  2. My boy loves Tonkatsu. It's just that I don't often have the time to do this from scratch so I buy the pre-marinated ones from the supermarket. I'll try your recipe one of these days.

  3. i haven't cooking pork tonkatsu for a long time now probably because we don't have pork in the middle east,pork is prohibited in Islamic countries. but now that i am in the US and pork is abundant, i'll cook this forgotten recipe.

  4. I also love tonkatsu! Just learned that it means "pork cutlets" in japanese. Hehe.

  5. We rarely have pork and tonkatsu (or pork Schnitzel)is one of the few ways I cook love it all the time!

  6. I love Japanese cuisine but never got fond of Tonkatsu until I've tried one from Yabu. I haven't thought of cooking one myself yet, but I'll try your recipe soon! :D Thanks for sharing sis!

  7. I buy that Bulldog tonkatsu sauce, too! But yours sounds interesting, and I'll be trying it out soon. :)

  8. thank you very much for the recipe, i think we've tried tonkatsu one time at a restaurant but i just can't remember if that was it, but definitely will try this at home. :)

  9. I also love tonkatsu but don't know how to cook it until I see your recipe here. :)

  10. Looks and seems so yummy! Now I'm craving!

  11. My hubby loves tonkatsu. Will try your recipe next time. :)
